Exercise During Pregnancy

Any moms who have experienced first-trimester nausea know it is near impossible to exercise, better yet complete your daily tasks of showering and brushing your hair.

ACOG (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) does recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise throughout pregnancy. In the past, ACOG used to not recommend beginning exercise during pregnancy if you have not been exercising, but this is no longer the case. Beginning exercise during pregnancy is now encouraged with guidance.

Exercise does not have to be intense running or strength training to be effective. Exercise may look like stretching and mobility, using good form while chasing your kids all day, or a brisk walk. Be gentle on yourself in that first trimester and get in what you can on the days that seem slightly better than others. Keep this in mind if you are in the first-trimester fog and getting down on yourself for getting out of your current exercise routine.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists are skilled at evaluating you where you are at in your pregnancy exercise journey and helping guide you in the right direction. Reasons to seek a Pelvic Floor PT during pregnancy can include

  • You have not regularly exercised prior to pregnancy and now desire to start

  • You had a period of not exercising (maybe due to first trimester nausea or being required to stop for fertility treatments) and want to now return to exercise now that you are in the clear

  • You currently exercise but want guidance with programming so it is the MOST efficient for your new growing body during pregnancy

  • You currently exercise and are having pain, incontinence, or other symptoms limiting you from completing it

As pregnancy progresses, our hormones cause relaxation of the ligaments around our pelvis. This means we rely even more on the muscles in our core to help stabilize our body to move around. We are skilled at helping you adjust your current routine, or implement a routine that focuses on these deep core muscles. The stronger this deep system is going into pregnancy, the easier it will recover when we are postpartum.

Many women turn to their OB-GYN’s for advice on exercise during pregnancy. Keep in mind that physician are amazing at what they do in keeping you and the baby safe throughout pregnancy and delivery, but they are not experts in the musculoskeletal system and movement. This is where we shine as Physical Therapists. Get evaluated by a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist today!

Exercise During Pregnancy. Guidelines for Exercise. ACOG Org website. December 2021. Updated March 2022. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/exercise-during-pregnancy


Pelvic Floor Therapy During Pregnancy


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